Vice Principal’s Message

Value-based Education–The Need Of the hour
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step..

Education is a systematic and a planned process of a development of the potential of a being to its maximum by harmonious growth of the physical,mental,social,emotional and spritual qualities inherent in him,there by transforming him from being self centered and egoistic person into an intergrated personality and a responsible global citizen

As student today are lacking a humanitarian approach hence value based education id need of the hour.It is a teaching framework in which value are taught those explicitly in the classroom and implicity by example.The Frame work consist of teaching tools and techniques .It involves the development of the school environment that expresses and practices positive universal values.
children witness and engage with those value to guide and infrom their behaviour .value based education provides a successful environment for teaching and learning of the full range of academic,social and interpersonal skills.

As a consequence,student’s become academically more deligent,the school acquire a more peceful ambience,better studen-teacher relationship are forged,student and teacher well being improves and parent’s more engaged with the school.


I Welcome you all to our next issue of “GALAXY” 2015-16.I express my regards to the director,Principal,Staff& the student for their valuable contribution to this edition and masking “GALAXY” the most successfull one !