School Fee


Fee schedule is in four installments as started below:-

A.(I) Instalment:
i) Registration Fee
ii) Admission Fee (only for new students)
iii)Annual Charge / Yearly Dues (Exams,electricity,water,maintenance,medical,lab,games,cultural
iv) Monthly Fee (from April to june).
v)Transport Charges will be paid annually.
vi)Computer / Add.Sub.Fee (from Aprill to june).(Opt.for XI & XII)
vii) Digital Classroom Fee

B. II. Instalment:-

i) Monthly Fee (from july to sep.)
ii)Computer / Add.sub.fee ( from july to sep.). (opt.for XI & XII)
iii) Digital Classroom Fee

C.III. Instalment

i) Monthly Fee (from Dec.)
ii)Computer / Add.Sub.Fee (from Dec.) (Opt.for XI & XII)
iii)Digital classroom Fee

D. IV. Instalment:-

i) Monthly Fee (from jan to march.)
ii)Computer / Add.Sub.Fee (from march.) (Opt.for XI & XII)
iii)Digital classroom Fee


1) Fee is realized as follows:—-

i) I Instalment -At the time of admission.
ii) II Instalment- from 1st-15th july
iii) III Instalment-from 1st-15th oct
iv) IV Instalment-from 1st-15th jan.

2) After 15th,a fine of Rs,30/-shall be imposed as the late payment and Rs,50/-by the last day of the

3) After the last working day of july,october December & january the name of the student shallbe struck off the rolls of the school and Rs.500/-shall be charged for Re-admission along with the Regular fees

4) If student wishes to take his/her leaving certificate (Transfer Certificate) in between the session,he/she has to deposit the fee for the rest of the sesson.

5) The authorites do not take the responsibility of the money,which is not proberly handed over to the
official of the school.

6) Guardians / Parents are advised to take the receipt of the fee of the time of depositing the same

7) Any student seeking admission later than the due date has to deposit fee right from april.
In cse, the school van does not reach in time due to mechanical break down in the van or due to the illnessof the Driver,the guardians are requested to make their oown arrangement.However,the school tries its level best to provide service up to the satisfaction.

Summer (April to September) 7:30 a.m. to 1:40 p.m.
Winter (October to February ) 8:30 a.m. to 2.40 p.m.